Mt. Severeid Thigh Rub

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Author: Callum Thomas Cathro
General area: McGregor Range
Trip start date: 2021-01-30

Original plan was to sled up Woodall road and park around the bottom of Mt. Silcox and ski one of the long avalanche paths however there is a caribou closure very low, so we decided to park the sleds and ski Mount Severeid as it worked better with our time frame.

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We toured trees up onto an alpine ridge, from there we boot packed the ridge to the peak as the ridge was extremely windswept. After a little snack we made our way into a bowl off the north face of Severeid and picked a line with what seemed like the most consistent channel of unobstructed snow. There were low snow levels in the bowl and there were a lot of exposed rocks which our skis seemed to find anyways. The bowl turned out to be terrible skiing with a hard crust and not much new snow. We skied it once at a time and regrouped in some large trees at the bottom. From there we just handrailed our GPS track from the tour up and just tried to ski any open patches we could find which was few and far between.

We lined it up to end right at the sleds and had a really fun rip out. All in all, a pretty cool day, got to check out a lot of zones from the peak that google earth just does not get representative photos of. Cannot say I am to keen to head up there again but found plenty more lines to push up to in the future.

Have fun out and there and remember, when in doubt straight line out.

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